Identity design Ugly Cafe

Type of project
A school project where I was to design a logo and identity for an innovative café concept and show how the identity will be used on printed and digital surfaces.
A cafe that uses ugly vegetables and less meat in its dishes. The opportunity to enjoy food with a clear conscience for the
environment, the wallet and health.

Target group
The target group is people who cares about the environment, the wallet and health. The typical target group can be young peoples, families and students.
Research question
How to create an inspiring cafe concept that uses ugly vegetables so that it has a positive effect on the environment, wallet and health.

The process among other things consisted of mind maps, inspirations, sketches, colors, fonts and illustrations. The values were playful, organic and simple and they were involved in shaping the logo and identity. The reason I chose to include figures was to have something that could present the ugly vegetables. At the same time, it was to understand the concept better, but also to make the identity more playful.

The result was an identity that is playful, organic and simple. The identity includes playful and organic figures which presents the ugly vegetables. The logo issimple and clean, and consists of typography with an integrated symbol that makes it unique. At the same time, the logo, the figures and possibly other elements consist of a specific element which is leaves. The leaves can be called that 5. element which is an element that is often repeated in the identity. This makes it even easier to recognize the identity.