Editorial design Trivselsboka

Type of project
Helped Trivselsleder with another student(Jennipher Johansen) to make books for 1st grade to 7th grade. We also collaborated with illustrators. Illustrations made by Kari Sortland and Tirill Slettbakk.
Books for 1st grade to 7th grade which consists of eleven social programs that are to be completed in classes during a school year. All the programs presented in the books aim to develop the student’s social competence and create an active and inclusive learning environment in the classroom. Trivselsboka is set up so that one program is carried out per month. All schemes are based on the student first experiencing and then reflecting.

Target group
Primary: children from 1st grade to 7th grade
Secondary: teachers
Research question
How to create inclusive books that appeal to children regardless of age with playful and colorful expression?

The process started, among other things, by getting to know and understanding the customer and the concept. We made different moodboards to find out what kind of design direction the customer wanted.
We defined the target group and created personas, as well as explored typography and colors. We test printed typography and colors to get the best possible result. At the same time, we checked the size and color contrast with the intention of a universal design.
Furthermore, we made a flat plan to plan pages and layouts. At the same time, a grid was created to create a system.

This was an exciting project where I got to work with a fellow student and illustrators, as well as work for a client. There were meetings with discussions and adjustments where both the customer, me, my fellow student and illustrators got to influence. The result was four simple, inclusive, colorful and playful booklets, as well as a booklet for teachers to guide the children.