App design Utility Cloud

Type of project
Make an app prototype within “Editorial design and data
visualization”. I also got the opportunity to combine the
task from school with the company named Altere. They needed suggestion of a prototype of their consept.
A generic app with the Utility Cloud service. It automates
the communication betwen electrisity companies and their customers, and gives individuals a simple and clear overview of electrisity consumption and customer relationships.

Target group
Individuals to electricity companies who are concerned with simple and clear digital solutions with access to services around electricity.
Research question
How to design a generic app with services around electricity to be simple and clear for individuals?

The process among other things consisted of analyzes, flow chart, the five interaction design principles, sketches,
prototypes and testing. Needs in the app that had to be explored were ordering/changing electricity contracts, adding products, viewing electricity consumption, viewing invoices. The values were honesty, user-friendly and quality, and they were involved in shaping the prototype. I have also worked with universal design to include as many as possible. There was focus on size, hierarchy and color contrasts.

The prototype follows the concept’s values. It is honest in having the necessary and correct information. It is user-friendly by following the necessary requirements from WCAG, the five interaction design principles, as well as some testing and assessments. It has quality by being in accordance with customers’ requirements and expectations using user testing. A fake power company was created to show how the app and the Utility Cloud service can be used. The name of the fake company was Eleco, which stands for electricity
and environment.