Magazine design Pusterom

Type of project
The assignment was about having a role as art director and graphic designer who will develop strategy and design concept for a new magazine.
A magazine that covers everything possible about health and well-being with a focus on giving you a respite, tips and inspiration from busy everyday. These are monthly themes. Summer is coming and everyday life is getting greener, and in May 2021 it will be about the positive effect of plants and nature in health and well-being.

Target group
People who are curious and like to get help and inspiration around taking care of themselves after a busy day. There are often people who are already good at taking care of themselves, but would like to explore other alternatives. Others may not be so good at taking care of themselves and need tips and inspiration.
Research question
How to make an airy, dynamic and simple magazine, as well as inspire people who want to take care of themselves that plants and nature have a positive effect on health and well-being.

The process started, among other things, with visiting companies that work with paper and print. This was to get to know the process and see what kind of paper there is. Furthermore, I collected different magazines and compared them, explored typography and layout, test printed and sketched. I worked on everything based on the values that were airy, simple and dynamic.
I was also inspired by the magazine to be as simple and comfortable as possible for readers. I was inspired by the magazine to attract people who are good at taking care of themselves and take life in stride, but also people who need a BREATHING SPACE(PUSTEROM) and advise them to take it easy from busy days.

This became a magazine that addresses topics around health and wellness, and provide inspiration and tips, as well to catch a breath. In this topic, the magazine is about the positive effect of plants and nature in health and well-being. The goal of this magazine is to be in a busy store and catch the attention of busy people who, for example, are waiting for their orders from the store. Maybe the busy and stressful people see the magazine and read “PUSTEROM” and are awakened and inspired.