App design Loppis

Type of project
A school assignment where I was to create an interactive, mobile-adapted app prototype for a self-chosen project. I completed this task with Jennipher Johansen.
Flea market app where it is possible to find and, or share flea markets.

Target group
People from 20 to 40 years who go to flea markets because they think it’s cheap and fun.
Research question
How to make a simple app for people who are interested in used products to find flea markets in the desired area?
How to create a simple app for people who want to arrange and share small and, or large flea markets?

The process started with a survey to get to know the target group. We found out that people who go to the flea market do it because they are environmentally conscious, it’s fun or because it’s cheap. Then the process consisted of, among other things, flow chart, sketching, prototyping and testing.

The result was a simple prototype for finding and, or arranging a flea market. It has a calendar function with date, name and time for each flea market available in the app. Furthermore, it has a nice color distinction between finding a flea market and adding a flea market. This was to make it easier for users to distinguish between the two main features that are to be found or added to the flea market.